How to ACTUALLY find your PASSION


So, the topic for today is something that's been constantly going through my mind for the past
five years I think ever since I was a school kid, I've been thinking about this and it determines every single decision I take to this day and that thing is passion. Today I want to focus on how to find your passion I want to share the experiences that I learned over the past years. And I want to give you some actionable steps for you to also find your passion.

So let's go

The passion I always dreamt about finding it, discovering that one thing that gets me up in the morning deeply makes me tick and gives me a sense of purpose in my life. I was looking for this bright and
undying source of energy inside myself, which would enable me to overcome any kind of obstacles
and achieve things that seemed out of my reach. But little, I know that it would take my many years of exploration and reims of failures and sacrifices to find it. Alright, so where should we start.

To find it, you first have to understand what passion actually means. Well that is a big question and you can find an endless amount of definitions for passion, if you search on the internet it seems like everyone has a different understanding of it. But I see it this way, " Passion is a very strong feeling about something or a strong belief in something. ". There is a difference between strong interest and an actual passion, you're only passionate about something if you care so much about it, that you're willing to suffer for it. For example, I have a strong interest in riding motorbikes but I don't have the determination to push me through broken bones and hospital visits to become better at it
but on the other side, I would do almost anything to edit creating videos because I am deeply passionate about it. When you have a passion for something you love it even when you hate it. But passion is an emotion that requires action and without action, passion won't bring you any results. It is the fuel for the fire that's burning inside of you and it can turn a small spark into some of the greatest results in life.

The reason why I am writing this blog and why I want you to find your passion and also to pursue them is because you can have absolutely amazing benefits on your life, that you can't accomplish with anything else. So what are the benefits if you choose to follow your passion? Well, they are, You'll be energized and motivated every day you get up, And your work won't feel like work anymore, Your skills will drastically improve and you'll become more productive and creative. After all, you actually love the work you do you'll be deeply fulfilled because you feel like you make a difference you'll be open-minded towards new things as you don't only focus on making money and spending it. You'll become more and more self-confident because you live up to your own beliefs instead of putting on a
mask to be liked by others. This helps you overcome your fears and makes you more attractive and
interesting to other people. And you'll have a strong connection to other people who also follow their
passion which is a base for incredible relationships. These are just some of the many benefits that will come into your life if you choose to follow your passion. Every single day in my life finding my passion actually changed everything for me and I can say that all of these benefits are 100% true. 

Let's now dive into the different steps on how you can find your passion as well. So there's the wrong assumption that we only have a few years during our teenage years to actually figure out what we want to do for the rest of our lives there is so much pressure from our peers and from society in general that causes. A lot of anxiety and stress especially at such a young age, I guess everybody knows that when you're at a family celebration and a relative comes up to you and asks you what are you going to do for the next couple of years like what are your plans and you're just sitting there like a good question. I myself still remember very vividly when I was 16 years old and I just started to ask myself all of these different questions over and over again. Like what is my passion, what is my purpose, what do I want to do with my life and it? felt like I was the only guy who had such a strong need to figure out these questions. At my age, I tried to talk to all kinds of different friends to just see if they feel the same but
nobody could really connect with these kinds of thoughts and I just felt like there was something wrong with me. I dreamt about discovering my passion and I was scared that I wouldn't find it before it would be too late. You could say that I was scared to jump onto the wrong train which takes me to the wrong future. One decision that would determine the rest of my life and no opportunity to leave that train again. As time progressed I saw how everyone else around me, also had the same fears. I mean who of us knew exactly what it is and what we want to do when we left education. Well, I sure as hell didn't know and most of the others didn't know it either and this is the reason why almost everybody sticks to the safe route. 

Just starting some studies that you already know you're not going to be interested in or getting a job. Just because it pays the bills but you already know that you're not going to like it everybody just tries to go on this safe way to security instead of actually trying something new and that limits you because you don't even have the option to try out all the different things. Before choosing one that is the reason, why so many people are unhappy with their jobs and that is also the reason why you have to let go of this fear you don't only have a few years to find and pursue. Your passions are a journey that can often take a whole lifetime and you shouldn't limit yourself by the opinions of other people, so stop giving an about those opinions. Dopamine is the chemical that is being released in your brain whenever you achieve something or feel pleasure in the past, we had to create something to feel rewarded and release
dopamine but in today's world, we have instant access to dopamine by consuming social media, video games, junk food, porn, and drugs. While back then you had to build a chat, make pottery or write a book to feel rewarded. Nowadays we just have to scroll through social media, level up in video games, or watch porn to get the same feeling. So, ultimately the things we do daily shifted more and more from creation to consumption. Here's the funny thing if you get the majority of your dopamine from consumption it's called addiction. But if you get the majority of your dopamine from creation it's actually called passion. So basically passion is just a good form of addiction and I can 100% confirm this is okay. So how do we solve this problem to make space for creation you have to lower your consumption.

A couple of years ago I was also watching youtube videos non-stop many of them about self-development to find answers to the questions. I had at that time but the thing is that I never really
found any answers by watching those videos because I was only consuming instead of creating and taking action. I slowly had to learn to put my phone away to be present and get my dopamine from other sources. A good start to lower your consumption is by detoxing from some of these toxic dopamine sources. Quit social media, Netflix, video games, junk foods, or porn for 30 days to see what it's like. I myself quit social media for 30 days, actually wrote a blog about it. But yeah I just took so much away from these 30 days obviously, it's a bit extreme in the beginning and it's going to be difficult
in the first couple of days. But as soon as you get used to it you will really really see the benefits that you can take away from it. It's just a good way to kind of wake up from this excessive consumption and to kind of break that bad habit and I've also been playing with the thoughts of actually doing a whole dopamine detox just quit all of these things at once for a specific time. 

The next step is to expose yourself to different forms of creation, trying new things is the only option.
Because you're not going to find your passion by guessing one thing which always helped me understand this better was to compare it to food probably because I love to eat food. So imagine you're standing in front of a buffet with all kinds of food there are steaks vegetables, antipasti, fish, prawns, sushi oysters, bread, pasta, pizza, fruits, cheese, chocolates, chicken. If you only tried one of these things you would never know what any of the others tasted like wouldn't that be freaking awful but that's exactly what most of us do. When it comes to our own jobs or in other words our source of creation there are so many different things to do out there so many hobbies jobs and opportunities to try out. So go ahead and taste those different types of food I mean if you taste for example prawns for the first time and you think then maybe seafood isn't your thing and maybe you should look more towards the chicken wings section. I can definitely recommend the chicken wick section and on the other side if
you, for example, paint a picture and you just think okay this wasn't really exciting fun, or interesting at all then maybe arts aren't your thing. So try something else what I'm trying to say is that you have to try out a lot of different hobbies to see which of those could potentially turn into a passion and if things don't seem to spark your interest just look in a different direction, adjust your filters and just try something else. 

Get yourself a pen and paper and write down different hobbies or jobs that you always wanted to try even if an activity only slightly sparks your interest, write it down on your list if nothing comes to your mind just google list of hobbies and look through Wikipedia. I'm sure that at least 10 of them will be interesting to you just do me a favor and please don't take a vacation or sunbathing okay, pick activities that challenge you and also, allow you to improve. And then try each of these activities one by one
don't do too many at the same time and give each of them a chance because a lot of times in the beginning you feel like you suck. I myself also sucked at filmmaking in the beginning I created awful videos when I was a younger dude your videos suck yeah you just have to build up these skills and with a lot of activities, it takes some time to build up these skills so give yourself that time trying out new things until you finally find something that could turn into a passion. It is a long journey but with every new activity or job you try you'll feel that you get closer to what you're looking for. Okay, so you might think how on earth should I have enough time? to try out that many things and for me, time is never an excuse because time is always about setting priorities and if you want to find your passion you have to make it a priority. Right from the start lowering your social media use will already give you several
hours per day which you can use to do something else. 

Use the time to do new things and just use the time on your weekends to try out new stuff instead of just
doing the things you always do you can also take a long vacation from your job to try new things or
if you already have enough savings for the next one or two years and you don't like your job then quit it. I mean it's a hard decision to make but it definitely makes sense if you don't like your job and you can just take a break from this normal work life to try new things. I'm definitely not saying that finding
your passion is easy. You'll have to get uncomfortable and also, take some risks every now and then
because if you actually want to change something about your life. You have to take action watching hundreds of self-development videos is not going to change anything you have to get up and do something. I constantly pushed myself to try new things. I don't even have to start I used my free time and weekends to try new things work in several internships. 

I can say that the journey is freaking exciting and I would totally regret it, if I never tried any of these things this mindset of curiosity constantly learning new things and testing the different options before
deciding on one changes everything. I hope that more of you guys out there take the courage to build the life you actually want to live. I actually want you to take action right now so let's sum up the different steps stop being afraid of all the different expectations from other people, do a social media detox for 30 days to consume less, and create more write down all of the activities that spark your interest and try them one by one also, adjust your direction with every new experience you make and last but not least make time for all of these new activities and push yourself to seek discomfort whenever possible. So, yeah I hope that all of these steps help you to find your passion. 
