Make More Mistakes (Self Development - 2)

 Making More Mistakes

Ok, What are you waiting for, let's dive into today's topic called "Making More Mistakes".

We all have a zest of being good at something or learning something or implementing the things practically that we have learned. In the process of implementing that one thing or learning something, we will make mistakes. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes won't leave us until we really achieve something in our respective fields. Even after achieving the limit, we will make mild mistakes. 

Imagine a small kid, who is learning how to walk. In the process of learning to walk, he will fall unnumerous times. But he never gives up on that. We also have to build the same thing in our lives that have to learn from mistakes no matter how many times we will fail. Just remember one damn thing 
"Make more mistakes. And learn from the mistakes that we can't repeat those again."

We all have one thing in common, we want to be good at something no matter if it is sports, science, dating[lol], speaking in your language, playing an instrument, or in my case filmmaking. We try to get
better and better to one day call ourselves a master of this craft. Nowadays everyone on the Internet claims to learn something incredibly difficult within just a couple of days, ' I learned Italian in seven days ', ' How to get the splits in one day ' and not gonna happen, ' I learned to play guitar in 24 hours
learning the ancient art of bonsai in one day ' really bonsai I mean if it's only one day obviously, it is impossible to properly learn these crafts in just a couple of days, but I feel like it has an impact on
the way we approach things. We are impatient and want to see instant success but that's not how things work. 

I had started video editing almost a couple of years ago. Back then I used to edit using Shotcut. Yup, a free video editing tool. While editing it sucks me a lot although I am fully interested in video editing. I used to make a lot of mistakes and my video edits look like shit[I swear]. After that, I understood the concept of learning from the mistakes 'boom' that's all after that my skills and the complexity of the software also upgraded. 

I'm trying to tell you here are dads it often takes so much longer than we think to become really, really good at something, and to become a master and a craft we have to make so many mistakes. Just checking out the river right now honestly this landscape here always remembers me of British Columbia and Canada it's just so beautiful here let's check out this spot we all want to get from the beginner level to mastery as quickly as possible if we drew a graph with the time and the skill level for
all of these geniuses on the internet. It would probably look like this boom master within a week just as easy as dead right no in reality this curve doesn't really look like it takes years or even a lifetime to master a craft. 

I mean directors like Christopher Nolan or Quentin Tarantino devoted their whole lives to this craft of making movies. And that's why they make great movies at the beginning your skill is going to increase very very quickly. But from time to time, the curve will flatten and you won't see as big improvements as in the beginning. But that doesn't mean that there is no progress it just takes more time because you already have great knowledge about the topic and the good thing about this curve is that there is no way that it goes down no way that you get worse at what you do unless you don't do it at all for a long time. That's why you should follow those three simple steps learn to make repeat this is
one thing. I got hardwired into my brain it's not just about learning to watch tutorials reading books and everything it's about actually practicing these things learning to make and repeating those things because. Consistency is the key to developing a really good craft, so this is also the

The number one reason why people quit is that they fail at some point and they just give up I feel
like there's a bad stigma with the word mistake as soon as we fail we are embarrassed and we feel ashamed but to be honest, a mistake is one of the greatest things that can happen to you. If you want to get better because with every mistake comes a lesson. Well sure you can look up those things on the internet and you don't have to learn it the hard way like me by editing shitty videos but what I'm trying to say is that to truly learn something you first, have to experience a failure. I mean come on guys how sick is this a spot about one year ago when I already had some experience and filmmaking and I got the first well-paid job I thought to myself while I made it I thought there was nothing else to learn in this craft of filmmaking, I thought I was just at the top and it's not going to get any better than this but with time. I realized that I was completely wrong there's always something else to learn and I still today don't consider myself as a master of my craft sure I got a little bit better over the years I mean I now know how to pick the right lenses to adjust my camera settings and how to direct actors but if I didn't make all of these small mistakes along the way I wouldn't know how to handle these situations today back then I chose the wrong lenses and it was too dark so my footage got grainy or I was so caught up in my tech stuff because I hadn't figured it all out so I didn't get the emotions out of the exit that I wanted to so in the end if you want to get better mistakes to have to happen and the sooner the better.

Now you should know that I like to make mistakes I would probably say the mistake is a trait of discomfort for the knowledge that's how I like to see it while motorbikes and that's why I like to push myself into uncomfortable and unknown situations. Because yeah probably I'm going to make more mistakes there but I'm also going to learn a lot more. And I'm going to improve a lot more you don't really get better in a language by just repeating one sentence all over again and you also don't get better in photography if you just shoot portraits. I mean you're getting good at shooting portraits but you're not getting better in the craft as a whole, that's why I tried to shoot anything that came along my way I tried to shoot people. What okay that sounds wrong I tried to take photos of people of sports of cars of landscapes anything that came along my way and obviously I felt weird doing these things for the first time directing a mode. When I didn't do it before but it just helped me a lot to improve in the specific niches and also to transfer the skills in between those niches.

Motorcycles we tend to think that as soon as we make a mistake we do something wrong throws us back in the process of becoming really good at something. But to be honest, it actually speeds up the process so I'm telling you to make more mistakes as stupid as it sounds like it works out, in the end, don't negatively see them but instead embrace them by learning from mistakes and in the end, you'll be able to call yourself a master.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one it was a little bit different from the other spots. Yeah, it would be great if you let me know in the comments what thing you want to get really good at if you liked this one make sure to like it and to share it with your friends. 
